Day 7 Urgent – "Modernization of the Industry" aims to provide its services to 1600 customers within two years


The Center for the Modernization of Industry stated that it aims to provide its services to 1600 clients spread over the next two years by serving 800 customers a year, with the aim of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce 2000 customers for the plan from 2017 to 2020.

The meeting was attended by all employees of the branches of the Industrial Modernization Center and managers of specialized sectors and programs to bring implementing the ambitious strategic plan, which began implementation 2017 and will continue until 2020.

Ahmed Taha stressed that the main objectives of the center are to serve the private industrial community in all areas and provide high quality services and real return, helping to increase productivity to improve the trade balance and contribute effectively to industrial production.

Al Khobar The seventh day is urgent and the site of the unit declines any responsibility for the content of the news, but the responsibility is the original publisher of the news. [ad_2]
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