Decrease in the number of oil rigs in America


The decline in the number of oil rigs in America The news observatory cited the harmony We publish the number of oil rigs in America, the decline in the number of oil drilling in America , we are sending you our visitors

Washington, DC –

The number of active oil drilling operations in the United States has recorded the largest weekly decline since March, as the rate of growth has slowed in the last month following declines recent oil prices.

Third Loss

Baker Hughes Energy Services announced that oil drilling companies had suspended the operation of 5 excavators during the week ending July 20, bringing the total number of rigs active oil drilling at 858. It's the first decline in three weeks

But the number of active diggers, the first indicator of future production, remains well above that of a year ago when it was a year ago. it reached 764.

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(19659008) Source: The Harmony

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