DP World signs a contract to operate a new logistics center in Mali


DP World signs a 20-year, automatically renewable 20-year concession to develop and operate a sophisticated logistics center outside the capital Bamako in the Republic of Mali: a multimedia logistics platform with containerized land-based warehouses and cargo terminals facilitating Export and import of goods.

The Financial Logistics Center is located on the main road from Dakar, Senegal to Bamako and close to the Bamako-Dakar railway line, which will be able to handle 300,000 containers and 4 million tons of general merchandise. bulk. Initial investment in the scene The first project will cost around US $ 50 million and will include an internal container terminal that will facilitate the import and export of goods and will complete the first phase in from 2019, which will take approximately 18 months

. The International Financial Center will provide the Malian government with three trains to support the movement of goods and pbadengers along the Bamako-Dakar railway line.

The financial center of logistics will also reduce the time needed to access the Mali market. To overcome obstacles to the movement of

Dubai Ports World (DP World) will provide integrated electronic services via the paperless electronic platform to accelerate the movement of goods and facilitate trade.

The concession contract in Dubai was signed today by Suhail Al Banna, The Minister of Transport of the Republic of Mali, Moulay Ahmed Boubaker, met with several representatives of both parties.

Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, CEO of DP World, said that the financial economy will grow steadily over the next two decades. "The Financial Logistics Center will provide the country with a logistical platform necessary to facilitate the export and import procedures of goods via the Port of Dakar, managed by Dubai Ports World."

Dubai Ports Al-Alamiah Investment "will help reduce the time required to handle goods and facilitate trade, underlining their commitment to fostering trade in the region and boosting the prosperity of local businesses and businesses. citizens.

Moulay Ahmed Boubaker expressed his enthusiasm for working with DP World Completion of this project which will be very beneficial for Mali and will improve trade efficiency in terms of time and costs, emphasizing that the project will provide a world-clbad logistics infrastructure and be the largest in terms of capacity.

He expressed his confidence that this partnership would allow them to meet the expectations of Mali.To access more markets and improve efficiency of world trade and reduce costs, this project will also link the Republic of Mali to global trade routes and accelerate & Access to the market and the operations of entry and exit.

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