Egypt hosts annual meetings of African central banks


Cairo – A aa:

Published on:
Thursday, July 5th, 2018 – 11:44 pm
| Last update:
Thursday, July 5th, 2018 – 11:44 pm

The Central Bank of Egypt will host the Annual Meetings of the Association of African Central Banks from August 5th to 9th.

The Central Bank of Egypt said today in a statement that as part of the activation of the political leadership directives in Egypt Sudan and Ethiopia, high-level delegations from the three countries met in Cairo on 3-4 July at the headquarters of the Egyptian Central Bank to discuss the tripartite fund for development and investment projects

. Trial and management, The size of the financing, was agreed to identify a connection of each country to intensify the consultations between the three countries in the coming weeks points. For the second series of meetings

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