Egypt will attract huge investments in this area


Al-Bawaba News – Written by: Nouran Al-Sawy

Egypt is progressively moving towards the entry of the electronic and digital industry on the portal of the industry of Silicon, as evidenced by the announcement of the Egyptian company Silicon Industries (SICO Egypt) Books for the next three years.

The company announced the launch of its new device – Express3 – which carries the slogan "Made in Egypt", at a competitive price and specifications, noting that there were negotiations with the Bank of Japan. Egypt reached 9 months to increase the capital of the company.

The engineer Mohamed Salem, president of the company, denied having the intention to put the shares of the company on the stock market, stressing that this could happen after 3 years and that we plan to carry out profits as early as the second year of operation in 2019.
Says that the company had signed an agreement with QNB to fund our customers, stressing that banks are afraid to fund technology projects that lead the economy in most countries.

"SICO Egypt produced 120 thousand mobile devices, in addition to manufacturing the first Egyptian tablet", noting that the percentage of defect reports in new devices accounted for only 1% of the 943 messages between maintenance and surveys. In Asyut, in the United Arab Emirates and soon in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, as well as in East African countries, "claiming that SICO aims to raise to 70% the local share of its products.

Salem pointed out that the company can rely on the industries Cooperate with a factory in the city of October 6, by providing them with packaging and packaging, and we hope that There will be aspiration

He explained that SICO has a plan to produce most communications devices, as part of the country's strategy for the digital switchover. "International companies are insured

to invest in Egypt, where the next billion Communication devices will be provided in the Middle East and Africa at economic prices to bridge the digital divide and enter the era of technology. "

" SICO is preparing to introduce tab 4 to meet the needs of businesses and students, and the Walsh KE student is present in 7 countries, and soon on the African market, the company has exported to seven Gulf States, it will have a 35 service center in Egypt, in addition to partners, including mail distribution deployed in 1500 the dealer company and shop at the provincial level. "The company is focusing on less than 3,000 books and 1,000 smartphones have been exported to the United Arab Emirates. There are demands coming from Kuwait, the challenges are endless and the company is seeking to promote the Egyptian product. ". He said.

He pointed out that the biggest challenge for the industry lies in customs, pointing out that they need easy customs procedures, as the telecommunications industry is changing rapidly We demanded that we have a customs office on the technological zone of Assiut. "We are able to add to the educational initiative to provide an educational space, and we have done a lot of projects in schools, "said the president of the company." The company has 6 production lines and will double the number of employees.

SICO dates back to the fifties of the last century, in the era of the late Gamal Abdel Nbader, and was the company "Sico Egypt" and was in the fields of manufacturing soft drinks such as "Sico Orange, Siku Limon, Sico Effendi ". Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

After a period of soft drink manufacturing, SICO, whose owner, the father of the engineer Mohamed Salem, has addressed the public sector.

SICO, which has long been involved in the manufacture of mobile phones with China, began importing mobile phones into China and distributing them as SICO's trademark, before developing the first Egyptian mobile phone. Checked recently

According to a previous report of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, Egypt's total imports phones more than 10 million devices with an estimated value of 15 billion pounds. "The government has tended to pay attention to the local product by supporting the electronics industry, parallel to the operation of the fourth generation mobile phone in Egypt," said Ahmed Azmi, professor of economics at the company. former Academy of Culture and Science. Before the liberalization of the exchange rate and rising prices of some mobile phones, where the supply of smart phones and low prices will change a lot of Egyptians. "
Azmi added," Chinese companies have captured the largest market share in the last four years. In turn, Mohamed Saad, the economic expert, stressed that the state's willingness to revive Egyptian industries will allow foreign companies and investors to turn to the manufacture of smart phones in Egypt, especially after setting up a new technological zone. He pointed to the reduction of imports and work to increase exports, as well as agreements signed by Egypt with several countries on the arrival of the investor products in different markets, highlighting the market home to about 90 million consumers. Egypt policy: will attract huge investment in this area) Moved by the search engine site and was transferred as a source (summary), and not It expresses the point of view of the site and not the editorial policy, but the responsibility for news and its validity rests on the original publisher, the summary.

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