Exchange rates of the dollar and currencies against the pound in Sudan


Index of exchange rates in (free market, parallel market) against the Sudanese Pound in Khartoum on Sunday, July 22, 2018.

Nile Price Index (free market, black market):

US Dollar: 46.00 EGP

Saudi Riyal: 12.26 pounds

Egyptian Pound: 2.57 pounds

Important Note: Prices are for guidance only and the location of "El Nilin" is not guaranteed not the accuracy of prices that may be different from the actual prices of other factors can not be considered, we recommend before making any sale or purchase of Make sure the prices come from other sources.

Sudan News: The exchange rate of the dollar and the currencies against the pound in Sudan – You can see the source of the original news of the following link: Nilein and abandons the site of the unit for his full responsibility for the news content but the responsibility inc ombe at the original publisher. [ad_2]
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