Expect a new surge in commodity prices after cuts in fuel subsidies


Mahmoud Meqled wrote:

Published on:
Sunday, July 15th, 2018 – 10:49 pm
| Last update:
Sunday, July 15th, 2018 – 10:49 pm

The market awaits the end of the companies to study the implications of the decision of rising prices of fuel and gasoline taken by the government on the costs of production and processing, in order to determine and calculate the 39, increase in the cost of the final product. 20%
This comes at a time when the market has seen a remarkable increase in the number of food products by 15%, such as the companies Juhaina, Domte, Betty and Nestle and most of the pasta companies that have grown by 12%. % to 16%. Stop the promotional offers, not forgetting a ton of iron 400 tons and a business announcement The company has raised its revenue by 1015% over the coming period, which has been confirmed by Majid Ayoub, commercial director Ideal Standard
The Investors Union, for its part, promoted the engagement of union members, investors and industry badociation leaders, The prices of iron, cement and Some food products have increased rapidly following the decision to increase fuel prices, confirmed Abdul Aziz Qbadim, secretary of the building materials division of the Cairo Chamber of Commerce. Rising fuel prices. Several iron, fertilizer, cement and appliance companies have announced plans to raise prices in the coming days, in conjunction with the end of the study of all the repercussions and the negative effects of decisions to raise fuel prices. Energy and services taken by the government last month.

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