"Facebook." More pressure on Mark and global and domestic trade ignore


Facebook shares collapsed into the biggest daily loss of today after the company reported its second quarter results on Wednesday, which were disappointing as it fell 24% after an hour of trading to close at a loss of 18% For example, a market like Betquin, for example, is worth $ 141 billion, Twitter only $ 33 billion, Snapp $ 17 billion and Netflix $ 158 billion.

However, the impact of the crisis on the entire US stock market is limited since the Nasdaq has only fallen by 0.8%, while the index has risen about 0.57% thanks to the hopes of investors to see progress in trade negotiations.

Revenue fell to $ 13.23 billion from $ 13.3 billion expected, and the number of active users decreased to $ 2.23 billion from $ 2.25 billion. Users and a decrease in the number of users in Europe.

But badysts say the biggest drop in quarterly results is the company's forecast that third- and fourth-quarter revenues are expected to decline by 10% and spending growth this year. will boost revenue growth.

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