Farnborough Air Show announces purchase orders of $ 192 billion


The Farnborough Air Show saw this week deals worth $ 192 billion (164 billion euros), up more than 50% from 2016, reflecting of the organizers' trust in world trade. More than 1,400 applications for the purchase of a $ 154 billion commercial aircraft and $ 21.96 billion motor vehicle offerings

The total is $ 67.5 billion dollars more than the issuance version two years ago, And Airbus, which has achieved the largest number of orders for the purchase of aircraft, sales volume.

The plane sold 676 orders worth $ 92 billion at the first price as of Thursday, while its European competitor revealed that it had received 431 orders from the United States. worth $ 70 billion.

Gareth Rogers, General Manager of the Farnborough International Fair

The exhibition drew representatives from 100 countries and a record Chinese presence, according to a statement from the exhibition.

The exhibition saw an increase of about 10% in the number of visitors compared to previous years, which visited more than 80,000 people, according to the statement.

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