Find gold prices on Sunday in Kuwait


  Find out about the price of gold Sunday in Kuwait
Discover the price of gold Sunday in Kuwait

Find out about the price of gold Sunday at Kuwait. The price of gold Sunday in Kuwait reached 11.90 dinars for the 24th caliber. , While the price of gold 22 caliber amount of 10.91 d

Prices of caliber 21 recorded 10.41 dinars, and the price of 18-gauge gold of 8.92 dinars, and registered prices of gold 14 gauge, the amount of 6.94 dinars.

For the price of 12 gold gauge of 5.95 dinars, and gold prices of 370.08 dinars gold, and gold prices recorded 83.30 dinars, and recorded a kilogram of gold 11,900 dinars.

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Source: Al-Maawat Newspaper [19659010] Shukri Salama Farouk ” src=”” clbad=”avatar avatar-96 photo” height=”96″ width=”96″/>

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