GFH pays $ 200 million in sukuk


GFH Financial Group announced the full payment of its $ 200 million sukuk in 2007 as part of a multiple repayment mechanism with a final maturity date of July 2018. The Group has recently paid the last payment "We are delighted to pay the last installment of the sukuk facility, one of the oldest facilities previously acquired by the Group, with funding from a group of regional banks and international. We are particularly pleased with our ability to repay in the "This would strengthen investor confidence in the group despite the market's difficulties and reflect the strong position of the group and the debt-to-rights ratio."

"Through this repayment, the Group can release more badets encumbered under the sukuk, the possibility of disposing or leaving them.It should be noted that in 2008 the liabilities of the financing facilities of the Group has exceeded $ 1 billion, compared to only 125 million currently. "


Sadiqi concluded:" Through our strict approach to management The Group's commitments and our ability to achieve high levels of revenue and liquidity, GFH continues to consolidate its position and ability to realize value and improve the performance of our business and investment activities. "

© Al Anba 2018

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