Gold loses two pounds and caliber 21 records this price


The gold drops two pounds .. Caliber 21 This price is registered Charter, quoting the story we are publishing or retracts two books. Caliber 21 records this price, gold retracts two books .. Caliber 21 records this price We are publishing our visitors News News The price of gold is down by two pounds. The price of the l & # 39; gold fell in the morning trade on Tuesday, with a value of two pounds to mark 21 caliber, the main caliber on the goldsmiths market in Egypt, 630 pounds . The result of the fall in the price of ounces of gold is worth $ 10 to save gold around the world 1254 dollars an ounce 9004] Today 's gold prices In Egypt became the following ones :

Caliber 18: 540 pounds

Caliber 21: 630 pounds

$ 1254

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The compact, gold retracts two pounds. 21 caliber record this award, follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news constantly.

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