Gold prices on Sunday 7-8 (INFOGRAPH)


  Sunday 7-8 Gold Award (Infograph)
Sunday 7-8 Gold Award (Infograph)

Sunday 7- Gold Award 8 (Infograph) Charter of the press release We publish the gold prices Sunday

The charter saw the price of gold, the price of gold, the price of l & # 's Sunday, 7-8 (Infograph) Sunday, a remarkable calm, compared to Saturday prices.

Prices are as follows:

It is worth mentioning that Egypt operates by 5 companies to explore for gold, the product is currently "diabetes mine", and announced the mineral wealth of Shalatin recently the start of experimental production of 3 mines, 13 miners for experimental production in 2017.

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(19659005) Source: Editorial Publishing


  Rashed Al-Hajri