Gold prices today in Egypt and Saudi Arabia


After stability followed by a slight upturn in gold prices early last week, the price of the yellow metal declined sequentially during the second half of the week, but over the last few weeks month the price of gold fell to more than 45 pounds a gram in the Middle East, where the price of the caliber in April at 665 and fell after that amounted to 623 Egyptian pounds up to the end of the session today evening.

The price of gold today so far a pound for a kilo of twenty – one yesterday, Chamber of Commerce Gold Division, that the decline (19659003) Price of l & # 39; gold today in Egypt and continuous modernization

Start It should be noted that the price of gold on the local market and the goldsmith shops is different from the increase or the decline of the world financial market and transactions

The average price of gold Shops in Egypt

The caliber of 18: 537 pounds, the caliber of 21: 627 pounds, 24 caliber: 716 pounds, gold pound: 5016 pounds, the kilo of gold reached 712,000 to 714 286.

Average The price of Gold today on the money markets US $ $ 26.61 [Egypte] [Egypte] Egyptian Pound

[1 9459016]

United States [19690001] US Dollar
Gold Price: US $ 29.95 Gold Price: $ 14.95 Gold Price: [19059012] 19 , $ 97 $ 9.97
$ 9.97 $ 1,192

The price of gold on Saudi stock market today

The price of gold on the Saudi stock market

[19196001] [22,559,011] [24,559,610] [24,690,625] [24,629,011] 18,29 [18,695,013] [21,659,013] Gold

$ 1,279 gold [19659012] [Kilo Gold] 149,767 $ 39,936

The head of funds went to invest in gold because it is the safest, at moment of strong economic fluctuations, so the price of the yellow metal always increases Will continue in the long term, nowadays to note that the decline continues, but at another time increases significantly, turn the economic function in reverse, and that's what happened where the price of the precious metal at the f in of 2016 and increased the price of gram

Gold prices today in Egypt Saturday 14-07-2018 In the shops of sagha:

Caliber in grams
The price in Egyptian gold
14 415.00
Gold 4,894

Manufacturing added to the value of the gold standard at the time of l & # 39; purchase and sale. [1969001] :

We must explain to those who follow The trader adds the tax and the factory for every gram of gold, the manufacturing price varies from piece to piece. other and we also show that the performance increases in the 18 gauge, which is the lowest price but the highest is the manufacturing. In any piece of gold, there is no need to be covered with a lot of stained glbad, and the reason is that the sale will deduct the weight of the glbad from the piece sold and the loss is great because of the high price of the grams of gold, which means that this article will be charged to [19659000] Tips on the purchase and sale of gold

You must know the price of # 39, a gram of gold the same day and update it regularly, there are applications that will tell you the price of gold. Market and traders, you should ask questions about the lobes, whether it 's about gems or imitation and glbad, and I found a video that I' ve hope you like on this important issue, especially with the sharp increase in grams of gold.

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