HC Securities denies its suspension of the activity


HC Securities declined to comment on press releases about the suspension of its licensed activity for seven days.

The company said that "some information sites were dealing, by mistake, For the trading of securities for the practice of authorized activity for seven days, instead of HHA securities company that the decision has was published. "

The company explained that" the good news – according to what was published on the website of the Egyptian Stock Exchange Monday (16) July 2018), is "the suspension of the Securities Trading Company (HHA) for the conduct of the licensed activity In accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of the Capital Market Act promulgated by Law No. 95 of 1992, as it does not remove the violations attributed to it and contained in the warning of 25/12/2017, provided that the suspension ends on 16 July 2018, in accordance with the letter of the EFSA. "

The Stock Exchange made its decision not to remove the alleged violations contained in the warning of 25/12/2017, the company made a decision to prevent the exercise of the activity in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors the General Authority of Financial Supervision No. (13) for the year 2013, on 13/03/2013, as well as its Aa services provided by the stock market , according to the decision of the Committee of Accession (104) for the year 2014 24/09/2014.

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