Home Economics "OPEC" in response to Trump: The organization can not be held solely responsible for the problems of the sector


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The President of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Suhail al-Mazroui, defended the organization in the face of recent demands of US President Donald Trump to increase oil production , stating that OPEC should not be held responsible.

In an interview, Al Mazrouei said: "The OPEC can not be blamed solely for all the problems in the oil sector, but at the same time we respond to the actions we took at our previous meeting In June

"I think OPEC is doing what it needs to do," he said, adding that the organization was ready to listen to the major oil-producing countries , including the United States

. (Reuters) – Crude oil prices rose steadily this year, driven by demand and surpbaded $ 80 a barrel in May, for the first time in a row. three and a half years.

Al Mazroui, who also operates the platform, said: The United Arab Emirates Energy Minister, OPEC members have sufficient capacity to cope sudden disruptions in world supplies

Al Mazrouei ap The result is that the organization seeks to balance supply and demand and does not target a specific price of crude. The UAE alone has an additional production capacity of between 400,000 and 600,000 barrels per day.

Al Mazrouei said that he was not expecting to be invited to an extraordinary meeting of OPEC members before his scheduled meeting in December. .fbAsyncInit = function () {
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