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Vodafone Egypt was awarded "Best in Test" by P3 Communications, world leader in telecommunications, engineering and technical testing, after testing the power of the voice network,

The price of This year coincides with the launch of Vodafone Egypt's 4G + service in Egypt, offering its customers high Internet speeds and a high quality network experience.

Vodafone Recorded the Highest Results in Voice Call Tests for P3 With Vodafone Egypt Earns a Score of 94 Points, a Marked Difference Even for Business Performance in the Same Test l & # 39 last year, where the results improved by 53 points.

Alexander "We are proud to have this worldwide certification which confirms Vodafone Egypt's leadership in mobile services in the local market and which is a driving force of progress that we are already pursuing as we have progressed in the results of tests compared to last year ". Over the last three years, Vodafone has invested about 9.5 billion LE in the development and upgrading of the network and we plan to invest 10% more in the next three years in the network.

Hacken Akman, CEO of P3 Communications, said Vodafone Egypt (19659003) The test included 11 governorates and 13 cities nationwide in Upper Egypt, with the largest number of telephone operators mobile in the country. Egypt through Cairo to Alexandria and Maha Greater Cairo and Damietta to the north, as well as road networks connected to these cities for three consecutive weeks – from mid-April to early May – to ensure stability and stability. quality of services provided.

Vodafone Egypt organized a premiere in Egypt In the presence of the company's CEO to announce the launch of 4G + services and its new campaign to promote the number one network in Egypt in the presence of Amr McGeever – founder of the largest piloting academy in Egypt, "McGeever Academy" and a unique experience to test the network. It relies entirely on you Vodafone Egypt serves more than 43 million customers, more than 40% market share in Egypt, according to NTRA reports. The network has implemented a comprehensive network development program for more than 9.5 billion LE in the last three years to develop the infrastructure and track the launch of 4G services in Egypt, bringing the total volume Investments in the Egyptian market at 45 billion pounds

<img src = "https://watanimg.elwatannews.com/image_archive/original_lower_quality/17873480121531924577.jpg" clbad = "article-in-img" alt = "Vodafone Receives P3 Worldwide Vodafone Best Mobile Network in Egypt Certificate obtains "Best Mobile Network in Egypt" certificate from P3 Global

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<img src = "https://watanimg.elwatannews.com/image_archive/original_lower_quality/2907126721531924599.jpg" clbad = "article-in-img" alt = "Photos Vodafone Receives P3 Worldwide Best Mobile Network in Egypt Certificate Vodafone Receives P3 Global's "Best Mobile Network in Egypt" Certificate

<img src = "https://watanimg.elwatannews.com/image_archive/original_lower_quality/3202262561531924606.jpg" clbad = "article-in-img" alt = "Photos Vodafone Receives P3 Worldwide Best Mobile Network in Egypt Certificate Vodafone Receives P3 Global's "Best Mobile Network in Egypt" Certificate

<img src = "https://watanimg.elwatannews.com/image_archive/original_lower_quality/5441423091531924610.jpg" clbad = "article-in-img" alt = "Photos Vodafone Receives P3 Worldwide Best Mobile Network in Egypt Certificate Vodafone Receives P3 Global's "Best Mobile Network in Egypt" Certificate

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