Intel acquires eASIC to promote Internet technologies


Intel's Acquisition of eASIC to Promote Internet Technologies Our article, citing Al-Sabah Al Arabi, delivers us the acquisition of eASIC by Intel to promote Internet technologies, Intel's acquisition of eASIC to promote Internet technologies, the things we broadcast to our visitors. Intel acquired eASIC to promote Internet technologies

Our news giant Intel announced that it had acquired eASIC, the chip manufacturing company, to improve its artificial intelligence technology. Internet things to compete for Qualcomm counterpart.

The new company will be part of Programmable Solutions Group, which Intel created in 2015 after the acquisition of Altera.

eASIC produces chip circuits for specific things, programmed to handle applications programmed for a particular object, such as Internet objects, and easily reprogrammed in a simple way without the need to reinstall and change them.

The company did not give details of the value of the acquisition, but according to PitchBook, the value of the company is estimated at $ 110 million, but of course, this acquisition is not worth much.

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Source: Arab Morning