Kuwait is a state-owned company and must take advantage of the commercial struggles


  Experts for the "witness": Kuwait is a state of institutions and must exploit the commercial fights
Experts "witness": Kuwait State institutions must exploit the commercial fights

Experts for "witness" witness ": Kuwait State institutions must exploit the fighting Kuwait is a state of institutions and must take advantage of the commercial fights.We send you our visitors.News News Today through our news site and start with the news. The most eminent, experts for the "witness": Kuwait is a state of institutions and must enjoy the fighting

The Kingdom of the World Mohamed Ibrahim:

The oil experts have confirmed that the global trade war between country will affect the growth of the global economy, which will be reflected on oil demand during the next phase, pointing out that everyone will lose.
They add to the "witness" that Kuwait can take advantage of the current trade war and war of the province and exploit the existing shortcomings by signing long-term contracts with many countries that deal with Iran or the countries affected by the trade war. The parties to the conflict know that everyone will lose in this war, as it will negatively affect trade between the countries in conflict and will lead to higher prices for raw materials such as aluminum and others.
Essentially geopolitical factors make the oil market somewhat ambiguous as in June, The market controls the speculation of speculators and the loss of control of OPEC on the market equilibrium.
The oil expert Mohammed al-Shatti said that the trade war between the major countries of the world like the United States and China And the States of the Union the European Union and the Canada will affect the growth rate of the global economy and will necessarily affect the rate of growth of global oil demand and will not have any real impact, but will undoubtedly have negative effects In the coming months.
Protectionism imposed by one party to another affecting markets and free world trade in the future.
Current conditions in the oil markets and the effects of the trade war may be limited by geopolitical tensions and a decline in supply on the world oil market. That everyone will be a loser This war will negatively affect the trade between the countries in conflict and will lead to higher prices of raw materials like aluminum and other aspects of the conflict as well as the transfer from factories to a country guaranteeing free trade and licensing of raw materials and protectionism.
The direct impact on oil prices is determined by the magnitude of the impact on oil demand and the balance of supply and demand by compared to other developments, as is happening now when the impact of declining supply and political tensions affects the rest of the effects. Benefiting from the current trade war and boycott war and exploiting the existing shortcomings, stressing the need for Kuwait's long-term contracts of more than 5 years, in addition to the beginning of reciprocal relations on the trading system since Kuwait needs a lot of infrastructure Besides the construction of the Silk Road, Beijing attaches great importance to this project
Kuwait remains a neutral institutional state and has not deviated from this policy by mixing political and military operations on the economic side, he encouraged Beijing to deal with Kuwait.
And continued if the trade war at its last stage will make the oil market tense and ambiguous because of the weak talks to solve the problem
The trade war between Beijing and the United States The two countries where these taxes have more dimensions than financial, as there are goods will be obscured during the war, which equates to 25% on many goods.
Behbehani explained that many countries will benefit from this mutual war, Beijing has been preempted from this war by establishing the Shanghai Stock Exchange Long-term oil is up to 5 years in the local currency "yuan" and this opens the door to commercial transactions
Beijing has established about 28 newly formed companies in petroleum refining and has the right to import oil and not subject to government, And since these companies have a relationship with the province, where these companies in particular and the right to import large quantities of oil.
Behbehani pointed out that Europe and the United States rotate between them and that Britain, the ally of the United States In addition to the province's war and the conversion of imports Iran has zero
He said that some European companies have begun to hesitate to invest in Iran after the sanctions were imposed on them as Total withdrew from the development of the "crazy" field in Iran because of its partnership with America. Behbehani said that the overall crude oil price Brent blend will continue to be in 2018 between $ 70 and $ 80 a barrel, pointing out that several adverse factors are affecting oil prices from now until the year 2020
He explained that these factors are the "trade wars between Beijing and the United States The United States, the European Union, Canada and Latin America, as well as the military wars in course in the region. "These factors also include US sanctions on Iran as well as low US crude oil production capacity, reluctance to invest in newly discovered fields," OPEC, "the last to stop the decision to cut production before its completion in 2018, and increase production without setting a production cap.
Essentially geopolitical factors make the oil market somewhat ambiguous as in June One The prices were between two dollars and four dollars, which is due to market control speculators and the loss of "OPEC" again controls the balance of the market "
On oil prices in the coming period Behbehani reported that production at the price of 80 dollars a barrel is an acceptable formula for the producer and the consumer, pointing out that "OPEC was able to maintain the decision to reduce its production as planned to fi
The barrels per day in 2017 reach 97.2 million barrels per day The growth in demand in this quantity would be a real shortage of 2 to 3 million barrels, with shortages of Supplies from Venezuela, Libya, Iran, Canada and Mexico following the trade wars. "And if we consider all of this, we will find a return of price increases to $ 120 a barrel by the end of 2018."
On OPEC's decision to cooperate with the best outside producers, Behbehani explained that OPEC's first challenge was to cope with the dramatic fall in prices He pointed out that "l & # 39; 39; OPEC "has been faced with other challenges that have been overcome, including the reduction of production of non-OPEC countries and the reduction of US oil production. "The OPEC overcame these hurdles by deciding to reduce the production of 1.8 barrels per day from the Organization of the Organization and from the outside until the return of the stock at the reasonable rate of five years ago and then return to the oil market with economic fundamentals.
Awa reported that the failure of some producing countries such as Libya, Nigeria and the United States. Venezuela, the failure of the Keystone XL giant project and the low efficiency of the Burmese Basin of Texas and the pitfalls of shale oil production in America have accelerated the success of OPEC.
Behbehani said that the price of a barrel of oil would have exceeded $ 80 with seasonal entry to increase demand in the third quarter and fourth of this year without the OPEC decision on June 23rd. stop the cuts and pump 600,000 to one million barrels into the market.
He has pointed out that the decision to cut production by OPEC with countries outside the b The production of 1.8 million barrels per day began its actual effect at the beginning of this year to reach the price of 80 barrels a day. dollars, indicating that the geopolitical factor plays an important role in the rise and fall of oil prices. The oil market recovered during the seven months of 2008 to 2014 to reach 140 dollars a barrel and explained the reasons for the decline of the dollar and the decline in production of the OPEC countries. "
He explains that the price of a barrel has collapsed From July 2008 to June 2010 due to the global recession, which was the first sign The collapse of the property of Lehman Brothers
Behbehani said that the price of a barrel of oil recovered between April 2011 and June 2014 to reach the highest price at $ 120 a barrel at a fixed rate exceeded $ 100 a barrel following the recovery of the global economy. Oil collapse occurred between July 2014 and June 2017 to reach 28 dollars a barrel.
The collapse was interpreted as a sudden drop in oil demand from emerging economies and the refusal of some OPEC countries to reduce production according to supply and demand., The oil market has absorbed half a million barrels per day of market need and has increased the stock And the world trade of 400 million to reach 301 billion barrels between August 2015 and August 2016.
Behbehani pointed out that this increase "cheap price" has been a catalyst for many countries with emerging economies to invest in the creation of floating stores

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