Leaked Image unveils the new iPhone Genius charger


  A Revealed Image Reveals a Mobile Charger for the Next Genius iPhone
A Revealed Image reveals a Mobile Charger of the Next Genius iPhone

Images of a Prototype USB-C Express for iPhone Phones to coming should arrive In the box next to the 2018 phones from Apple, which will be launched later this year.

This updated charger will allow users of new iPhone phones to recharge their batteries faster than usual, without requiring additional purchase for the phone owner, and will allow users to use the phone. iPhone to sync their devices directly with MacBook Pro Without the need for a dongle.

The move comes from Apple to upgrade the charger, having supported its old phones with a 5-watt charger, which is not enough to charge the charger as quickly as possible, but the company merges the capabilities of # 39; fast shipping phones. 8 Plus and iPhone X but you have to buy a dedicated charger.

Source: 7th day

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