Microsoft demands that the government limit the use of facial recognition technologies


While facial recognition is part of our lives, Microsoft has decided to be the first technology company to advocate for regulations to limit the use of technology that can be used for collective surveillance which affects civil liberties.

In a recent article, Microsoft President Brad Smith said the US government needed to set up a bipartisan panel to evaluate the best way to regulate the use of facial recognition technology. In the USA.

Microsoft stated that the work of this committee should include advising Congress on the types of new laws and regulations required, as well as practices to ensure that Congress properly monitors this technology through the executive branch. [19659002] According to cnet Technology companies, including Microsoft, are facing technology recognition in recent years, but Microsoft opposes the use of technology in situations involving "human rights risks."

Civilians and their protection "We live in a state of law, and the government must play an important role in the organization of recognition technology. Facial. "

It is remarkable that this technology can recognize the face with the help of a computer or a camera.And it is feared that they will be abused at the same time by private companies and by public authorities.

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