Oil falls on European equities


European stocks fell on Monday, weighed down by commodities companies, but an encouraging update from Deutsche Bank and forecasts of a good earnings season.

The Stoxx 600 index fell by 0.3%, The energy sector has the biggest negative impact as crude prices fell, fears about supply difficulties decreased

The natural resource and automotive sectors also fell. In the midst of growing fears of a trade war with Washington 003] On the earnings front, Stokes 600 is expected to grow by 8.1% year on year in the second quarter, an improvement over the first quarter.

The JPMorgan badyst, most likely. "

" New expectations are not known, but we note that commercial news may no longer be as shocking as before, as many investors are now waiting for more bad news in this regard. "

Some of the largest movements in Europe.

Deutsche Bank shares jumped 7.3 percent to a six-week high, The Bank of Germany has not released any higher than expected results with a capital reserve higher than expected

Concerns about the bank's financial solvency have been sharply reduced by 36% since the beginning of the year 19659010] [ad_2]
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