On the occasion of the anniversary of the launch of the tenth edition. 6 important numbers reflect the success of the August Store


Apple celebrates the tenth anniversary of the launch of its famous app store, "August Store", which has enjoyed great success in the field of applications. The US company publishes some statistics and figures that reflect the store's success, and the most important are:

There are 500 million weekly hits in the App Store since 2011.

– 28,000 apps were launched iOS with the system of subscription, including Netflix [ – 19659004]

– [Augmentation de 95% des abonnements par rapport à l'année dernière.]

(19659002) – The store has more than 1.3 million applications designed specifically for iPAD devices.

– Tools used Apple ResearchKit ] CareKit by more than 500 doctors and researchers for clinical studies involving 3 million participants

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