Politics "Telecom Egypt" and "Makers of Good" perform 200 free surgical procedures


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In collaboration with the Egyptian telecommunications company Ahmed El Beheiry, the Ahmed Ben Beheiry Foundation undertook an eye surgery of the cases revealed in the Halaib and Shalatin medical development convoy in coordination with the Ministry of Social Solidarity and the governor General of the Red Sea. Hani Al-Fattah, executive director of Al-Khair Foundation, said that Al-Ayoun's operations began for Halayeb, Shalatin and Abu Ramad and that the Telecom Egypt-sponsored convoy conducted a selection of 2,500 citizens suffering from eye problems Discovered

Abdel-Fattah adds that 600 doses of medicine were distributed to the detected cases The distribution of 400 glbades to the population of Halaib, to the villages of Hadraba, to the village of Abu Ramad and the city of Shalatin and surrounding Bedouin communities, noting that the second part of the convoy includes the establishment and improvement of 8 water purification plants.Al Khair launched the most large convoy of development last Friday and touched Even today, the medical time to reveal the population of the cities of Halayib and Shalateen and ash villages and Abu Hadiria.

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