Poultry Farm Production Up To 1.5 Million Birds Per Day


Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Sayed, Chairman of the Poultry Wealth Division of the Cairo Chamber of Commerce, said the production of poultry farms per day amounts to about 1.5 million birds and 11 billion birds. Eggs, with an annual capacity of 110 eggs. "The price of poultry has dropped to 22 pounds on farms to reach the consumer at 27 pounds per kilogram instead of 30 pounds, while white egg prices flat at 28 pounds to reach the consumer in place of 32 pounds From 37 pounds and prices of red egg trays plunge to 30 pounds in front of the farm To be offered to consumers at 35 pounds instead of 38 pounds and 40 pounds.

He attributed the real reasons that led lower prices to the economic situation and lower purchasing power of 40%.

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