Price in dollars during the day


The prices of the day Al-Masry Al-Youm today published the prices in dollars per day, the prices in dollars on the day we publish our news news of our visitors today through our observatory of news and start with the most important news, prices in dollars. ] [Nouvelles] The dollar exchange rate was relatively stable during the Tuesday trading in a number of banks operating in Egypt. The average exchange rate of the dollar was 80. 17 pounds.

According to the latest update, the dollar price to the National Bank of Egypt and Misr Bank at 78. 17 pounds to buy, and 88. 17 pounds to sell, and to the Bank of Alexandria, the dollar exchange rate has stabilized at the level of 82. 17 pounds at the purchase, and 92. EGP 17 for sale.

At CIB, the dollar stabilized at 84. 17 pounds at purchase, and 94. EGP 17 for sale.

In contrast, the dollar exchange rate at the Cairo Bank increased by one cent, to 84. 17 pounds at the purchase, and 94. 17 pounds for sale, and at the Bank Greek national, the dollar price rose by about a penny, to mark 84. 17 pounds for the purchase, and 94. EGP 17 for sale.

In the Arab African International Bank, the dollar rose two cents to 84. 17 pounds to buy, and 94. 17 pounds to sell, while the dollar exchange rate to Abu Dubai Islamic Bank of about two pence at 84. 17 pounds at the purchase, and 94. EGP 17 for sale.

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Source: The Egyptian today

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