Prices of car tires today


The price of tires has increased significantly over the last period, due to increased customs, the rising dollar, and weak production

. From 500 to 600 pounds and the size of 15 from 850 to 950 pounds

The price of Bridgestone tires ranged from 13 to 600 pounds, and the size from 14 to 950 pounds, the size from 15 pounds to 1,200 pounds, and the size from 16 to 1500

Other types of frames "Chinese, Japanese and Indonesian" also recorded different prices, such as a Vietnamese Kumho frame from 15 cm to 920 pounds, Lbada tires cost £ 630. [19659002] The 15-ton Nikeson tires cost 875 pounds, the Sumotomo 14 tires are Japanese at 825 pounds and Indonesia at 16 pounds from 950 to 1100 pounds.

Abdo Abdulmajid Engineer Tires and auto mechanics for Al-Dustour, before buying tires, they must consider several factors, including the size of the tire and the size of the gin and catalog; and ensure that the date of purchase of the rubber is the same year of production, If it differed, this frame would be considered unusable.

D. The existence of a vehicle safeguarding framework, by reading well the symbols on the frame and matching them to the vehicle manual, as these symbols represent the temperature tolerance, the atmospheric pressure , rated speed, tire size and friction with the ground.

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