Stability of iron prices in the Egyptian market today


2018-07-05 12:25:40 [WearesellingthelowestpricesintheEgyptianmarkettransactionsbasedonthemostrecentnegotiatedpricesontheEgyptianmarket

The price of Egyptian iron 12 thousand and 650 pounds per ton, And the iron of the bearer 12 thousand and 750 pounds, and the gift iron of 12 thousand and 750 pounds, and Beshay's record 12 thousand and 800 pounds

The price of iron Alrakbi 12 thousand and 700 pounds, and Aljjosi and steel Egypt 12 thousand and 650 pounds (1965006) [function, d, s, id] {var js, fjs = [edit] Added on: July 5, 2018 [21] d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; i f (d.getElementById (id)) returns js = d.createElement (s); = id;
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