Strong consumption and import of potash during the month of May


Egypt's potash consumption increased by 347,700 tons in May, up from 8,300 tons in April, or about 339,400 tons

. Imports during the month of May 2018 to about 2018.1 in relation to the volume of imports during the month of 2018 of about 156 000 tons

Potagazine production during the month of May increased by 30%. about 5000 tons, with 165 600 tons compared to the production of April thousand tons.

The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, announced that the Zara Council approved the increase in petroleum product prices, from Saturday morning 16-6-2018, the increase should be the following: domestic gas cylinder 50 pounds, the commercial 100 pounds for the cylinder, 95 gasoline .. 7.75 pounds per liter, gasoline 92 .. 6.75 pounds Liter, gasoline 80.50 pounds per liter, kerosene 5.50 pounds per liter , diesel fuel 5.50 pounds per liter, diesel fuel (other industries) 3500 pounds per ton, with stability of the food industry, electricity and cement, gas supply cars 2.75 lbs / m 3 [19659005]] [ad_2]
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