Study: Extraction attacks of digital customers destroy corporate networks


Kaspersky Lab researchers found a new type of encrypted attack on digital currency: researchers discovered that the "19659002" attack on PowerGhost "strikes computer networks of companies and institutions from several parts of the world, mainly to America.

This attack is the latest development of a growing trend of cyber criminals in the use of advanced mining tools in targeted attacks as part of their Efforts to Achieve Financial Gains The tendency is to expose companies to risk as mining attacks destroy computer networks and slow them down

Coded digital currency attacks are currently One of the topical topics of electronic security: the specialized mining software generates parts using computing power computers and mobile phones. From the victim of the mining attack .

Those behind these attacks are setting up new currencies at the expense of other users, using the power of their devices without their knowledge. This type of threat has recently increased to replace ransom attacks as the most important type of malware, as research has shown, but the emergence of PowerGhost adds a new dimension to this trend, (19659002) PowerGhost software is distributed in enterprise networks to infect both workstations and servers. It is interesting to note that PowerGhost uses several file-based methods to smuggle into corporate networks, meaning that extraction does not store directly on the storage disk of the device, which complicates the process of detection and processing .

The device is infected remotely by attempts to penetrate or resort to remote management tools, the main mining tool and its operation without storing it on the hard drive . This allows cyber criminals to prepare the tool for receiving updates and distributing them within the network and automatically launching the data mining process . [ad_2]
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