The European Union fined 4.3 billion euros


The European Commission has announced a standard fine
Value of 4.3 billion euros ($ 5 billion) on the company "Google" for violation of the rules of competition
In the EU through the operating system operating "Android" affiliate
His smartphones and tablets.

The European Commissioner for Competition,
Margaret Feasger said in a statement: "Google uses Android as a way to strengthen the dominance of the search engine

Feastger considered Google's practices
"This deprives competitors of the opportunity to innovate and compete
Europeans have the advantage of having effective competition on mobile devices (…) It's illegal
Under European antitrust rules. "

For its part, Google has announced that it had the intention to appeal
The decision of the European Commission to be fined for violating the competition rules in force in the EU
Europe by exploiting its Android operating system for smartphones
And the tablets.

This is a financial penalty against the group
Accused of exploiting the dominant position of its operating system for smart phones "Android"
In order to dedicate the superiority of its applications, especially its search engine on the Internet.

This amount exceeds the previous record
Among the penalties that were also recorded against Google, and was the amount of 2.45 billion euros on the charges of exploiting its location
The dominant in the electronic search through the preference of its tools to compare prices, "Google Subing"
At the expense of competing services.

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