The first electric car in Egypt (photo)


Egypt today launched the first badembly line for electric vehicles, locally known as M-5, on Wednesday, July 4, which aims to achieve a production rate of up to 70%.

Today announced the launch of the first M-5 car, the first of its kind in Egypt.

The news of the day that the inauguration ceremony of the first line of the car, in the presence of the Egyptian Minister of State Enterprise, Hisham Tawfiq, and Song Aikoh, China's ambbadador to Cairo.

Attended the ceremony Major-General Ashraf Albert, President of the Engineering Society for the Automotive Industry, and Hbadan Al-Desouki, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Darshal.

The company "Darshal" industries to achieve the production rate of electric cars to 70 percent, within 5 years.

The company aims to reach a production capacity of 10,000 cars by 2023 and aims to manufacture two thousand loaders and to establish 3,000 freight terminals during this period.

| The first electric car in Egypt (photo) – You can see the original source of information from the following link: SPOTENBEC AND REJECTS THE WEBSITE RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONTENT OF ANY NEW BUT RESPONSIBILITY IS LOCATED ON THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR OF THE NEW

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