The first international research offer on the Red Sea was launched at the end of 2018


Dear guests, I wish you once again a warm welcome and I thank you for your visit to the website of the Arab Economy Video: The Minister of Petroleum: The first international research offer on the Red Sea to the end of 2018 Minister of Petroleum: The first international offer for research in the Red Sea at the end of 2018, Dear visitor, The economic site is a comprehensive information site that includes the latest developments on the I & # 39; Arab and international arena, Economy: Video .. Minister of Petroleum: the first international offer To search the Red Sea at the end of 2018, where we are looking for the most important and last Minister of Petroleum: The first international offer for research in the Red Sea by the end of 2018, and until it is the first of its kind. The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek Al-Mulla, said the ministry will launch the first international supply of oil and gas exploration in Egyptian economic waters. In the Red Sea before the end of this year 2018.

"Mullah" in an interview with Ber The Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs said Sunday that research on the economic waters of Egypt in the Red Sea after the demarcation of the border with Saudi Arabia was one of the important projects of the ministry, pointing out that he had contracted with a global seismic research company. It is being badyzed in the United States in preparation for the world's first auction before the end of 2018.

It mentions a similar project in the western part of Egypt up to the border Libyan, explaining that seismic research and badysis of data and research results are completed, International Auction for this area The. He explained that the most important challenge faced by the ministry in recent years was to bridge the gap between production and consumption and meet the needs of the local market for individuals, industry and electricity . Due to declining investments from foreign partners due to the instability of this period, the Arab Republic of Egypt has been facing a significant shortage of natural gas, which has prompted the state to to import LPG for the first time. Foreign Minister to return to the Egyptian market, explaining that the state signed several new agreements concluded 86 agreements, amendments to existing agreements and advanced offers, forcing the foreign partner to pay more than 16 billion dollars to specific intervals for digging exploratory wells. He pointed out that the economic reform system has pushed the oil sector, particularly by floating the pound and streamlining support for hydrocarbons and energy. He pointed out that the ministry has managed to solve the problem of oil and gas. Debt accumulation for $ 6.3 billion. The provision of financial resources to support the infrastructure of refineries, pipeline networks, import and export docks, the development of the transport fleet and the increase of capacity gas storage.

He indicated that the ministry will work to develop frameworks to track the time and management of the new system, in addition to its contacts with all neighboring countries to receive the gas extracted from their fields. In the Egyptian liquefaction plants and re-export to the European Union, as well as the Ministry's signing with the Union's Memorandum of Understanding for the energy sector to cover the four coming years. Minister of Petroleum: The first international offer for research in the Red Sea by the end of 2018, let 's not forget the admiration of the pages of private social networking sites

Minister of Petroleum : The first international bid for research in the Red Sea at the end of 2018.

Source: The Sunrise Gate

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