The stock market loses 1.1 billion pounds despite the rise in mid-session indices


The stock market indexes rose mbadively in mid – day today, "Sunday" earlier in the week, as the main "EGX30" index of 0.26%, supported by strong purchases by investors. Egyptian investors, on small and medium-sized leadership actions. Market capitalization lost 1.1 billion pounds to 888.8 billion pounds against 889.9 billion pounds at the close of the last trading session.

On the stock index, the main EGX30 index rose 0.26% to reach 15920.84 points, where the index of small and medium enterprises "EGX70" rose 0 , 10% to record the level of 775.91 points, followed by an upward index "EGX100" was the biggest winner of 0.21%, reaching the level of 1994.28 points.

The market recorded the trading value of 102.4 million EGP when trading 20.1 million shares with 4,000 purchase and sale transactions, among them, 27 gained, while 38 declined, while 40 others remained unchanged.

Egyptian traders tend to buy, registering a net purchase of 8.4 million EGP, while foreign and Arab traders tend to sell, recording a net sale of 6.7 million pounds and 1.7 million pounds respectively

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