"Trade" calls to stop using the speedometer in "Durango" and "Cherokee"


"Trade" calls for the use of the speedometer in Durango and Cherokee

Stop using the speed booster in Durango and Cherokee The charter quotes the newspaper Al-Ahsa saying that "Trade" calls for the use of the speedometer in Durango and Cherokee. "Durango" and "Cherokee" we publish our news news today through our charter and start with the main news, "commercial" calls to stop using

Charter Reading Times: 1 minutes

"Al-Ahsa" – Al-Hasa

The Ministry of Commerce and Investment announced Sunday the recall of (11137) Durango and Jeep Grand Cherokee due to a system Cruise control defective.

The department explained that it decided to call (9854) Jeep Grand Cherokee, models of (2014 – 2018), and the number (1283) Dodge Durango models (2017 -2018); The driver is unable to stop the cruise control and the vehicle accelerates sharply.

and asked the Ministry to stop using the speed control system of these cars and to contact the agent to carry out the necessary repairs for free.

If the cruise control is suspended while driving a vehicle, the brakes must be firmly and firmly tightened and the transmission must be switched to neutral (N) mode.

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The Charter, "Trade", calls for the use of the speedometer in Durango and Cherokee Follow us on the social networking sites of our website to receive news

Source: Al-Ahsa Journal

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