"Trade" records more than 50 reviews for gold stores


  "Trade" registers more than 50 reviews for gold stores
"Trade" records more than 50 reviews for gold stores

"Trade" records over 50 reviews for Gold Stores Newspaper Quoting Witness We Publish Trade »Register Over 50 Reviews for Gold Stores,« Trade »Register Over 50 Reviews for Shops in Canada gold We send you our visitors News News Today by our news newspaper and start with the main news, 'Trade' records more than 50 reviews for the gold stores. 19659004] Akhbarna Newspaper Under-Secretary of Technical Affairs and Business Development of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Mohammed Al-Enezi, confirmed that
Anzi said during a tour of Inspection conducted by the Ministry of Commerce inspectors on the gold stores in Jilib Sheikh region, the audit opinions included the lack of balances and a price list, and sell in a manner contrary to the conditions Al-Anzi advised consumers to check the existence of the seal and the department on the gold coin before buying them, in addition to the existence of an invoice and from a price list.
They receive complaints and the consumer has the right

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Our Newspaper, "Trade" registers more than 50 reviews for the gold shops, Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news constantly.

Source: Witness


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