Trump criticizes the Fed for raising interest rates | the latest information


US President Donald Trump criticized the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike policy, claiming that it reduces the "great competitive advantage" of the United States.

Trump expressed regret over the strength of the US dollar,

US presidents have rarely criticized the US central bank in recent decades because the independence of the Federal Reserve is considered important to the economic stability.

But Trump gives priority to reducing the US trade deficit while President Bush has raised tariffs on imports, prompting major trading partners, such as China and the European Union, to react by imposing retaliatory rights.

Trump wrote: "China, the EU and others manipulate In their currencies and interest rates, the United States raises their interest rates while the dollar is gaining every day, which reduces our competitive edge. "

After his tweets, the US dollar continued its losses against the euro, the yuan and the Japanese yen. abstained Let the Fed stop.The US central bank has raised interest rates since 2015 and has already risen five times since taking office in Trump in January 2017.

Earlier this month , Jerome Powell, appointed by Trump to head the Fed, did not fear the pressure of US politicians.

Most economists believe that the current economic climate, with the unemployment rate in America falling to historical levels and inflation reaching the goal of the Federal Reserve 2 r cent, justifies the increase in interest rates

[19459007 Trump had previously criticized the US central bank policy on interest rates in an interview with CNBC, saying that he feared that high interest rates could affect the US economy.

The President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve, James Pollard, said that Trump's comments would have no impact on interest rate decisions

Pollard, who has no voting rights this year on monetary policy decisions, "People can make comments, including the president and other politicians … but that's not the case. It's up to you to decide A paradise to try to take the best possible action. "

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