Video: The former Oil Minister: the conversion of gas to the industry doubles its value 50 times


Ahmed al-Issawi

Published on:
Saturday, July 14, 2018 – 18h52
| Last update:
Saturday, July 14, 2018 – 6:53 pm
The former oil minister, Osama Kamal, said that targeting Egypt to become a regional energy center did not mean importing oil and gas from the Gulf and other countries, but many projects energy sources that can be built through a large infrastructure. He added that in the case of directing large quantities of gas produced in Egypt or that will be received by Egypt, he said that Egypt has built a good infrastructure in recent years. Egyptian installations from abroad, to petrochemical plants and then to small and medium industrial complexes, it can double the added value of gas between 15 and 50 times.

And continues: "The participants and the electric fish, chrysanthemums, kuches, bottles and fishing nets are all from petrochemicals, and that's the target."

4 years ago, it was not possible to invest in Egypt and build factories due to power cuts and gas shortages, but the law on investment and the existence of good reception and export facilities at Ain Sokhna, Alexandria,

The purpose of these investments is to cover the needs of the local market, to provide hard currency and foreign exchange. create jobs.

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