Watsab moves after deadly messages in India


"Economic" of Riyadh

Watsab's request for criticism in India after the murders was the cause of the spread of rumors and false news by his service, declaring financial subsidies to those who contribute to solving this issue. The dissemination of misleading messages, broadcast by Watsab in India, led to a series of murders: 29 people were killed since last May in India
The latest incident in which five workers were killed by a group of 40 people, Inviting Facebook owner of the app to say that he will fund research to find out why the proliferation of misleading news in India through
The INGADGET technical information site has cited Watsab officials saying that they had asked for technical badistance from outside specialists to find a way to stop the spread of new counterfeits and rumors across the service.
"Will provide grants of up to $ 50,000 to any researcher who offers suggestions and solutions to stop the dissemination of misleading information through the application." The Indian Ministry of Technology of information has asked Watsab, which has more than 200 million active users in the country, to take measures to prevent the spread of fake messages.

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