What is the relationship between the "God of the dead and the ancient Egyptians" on the mobile phone ?: It can take a "screen capture"


Cybersecurity experts have found malicious software designed to steal banking, electronic and payment information from smartphones via the Google Play Store

The dangerous application bears the name "Anubis" and seems take his name from "The god of the dead". "This is a documented application that attracts victims by claiming to provide online or real-time market surveillance services."

At least 10,000 people allegedly downloaded the malicious application, although the number of Android users The people affected by this malicious program are still unknown, h

Once the application gives access rights to the data of the & # 39; 39; user, Anubis can access connections for banking applications and can also take screenshots from the user's screen.

A cybercriminal from IBM XForex, who discovered malware last June, said that Anubis could appear as a legal app qualified as "big investment of resources by campaign operators" because they had the opportunity to sneak into the online store of Google. "Google Play" and the establishment of malicious download tools under the guise of documented applications.

According to the experts, the malware developers, supposed to be in Turkey, regularly modify the code to make sure that they are not detected by the security checks in the Google online store.

IBM's security team says malware software specifically targets Turkish users, but malicious code can also be used to steal user data in countries around the world, including states United Kingdom and Australia

Egyptian Light

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