Electronic waste: toxic metals infiltrate our bones, according to a study


Toxic metals released during the production of technologies such as batteries, smartphones, solar panels and wind turbines could seep into our bones.

That’s the warning from experts at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who have studied lead pollution in the remains of 130 people buried in a cemetery in central Rome.

The burial place under the Palazzo della Cancelleria was in use around 12,000 years ago – before the advent of metal production – until the 17th century.

The team found that as global lead production increased over time, so did the uptake rates of lead into the bodies of those buried in the cemetery.

Lead is breathed in by the atmosphere, the researchers explained, which means the pollution has affected even those not involved in the production of the toxic metal.

The results – in tandem with the growing demand for toxic metals like lead for various technologies – raise far-reaching public health concerns.

Historically, lead production boomed 2,500 years ago with the minting of coins, a rise that peaked in Roman times before declining in the Middle Ages.

Production increased again 1,000 years ago, driven by silver mining in Germany, then in the New World and finally to meet the demands of the industrial revolution.

The study builds on previous work which has shown that lead production rates are also documented in environmental records such as lake sediments and glaciers.

Toxic metals released during the production of technologies such as batteries, smartphones, solar panels and wind turbines could seep into our bones (stock image)

Toxic metals released during the production of technologies such as batteries, smartphones, solar panels and wind turbines could seep into our bones (stock image)

There has been a growing demand for toxic metals like lead for tech, including smartphones.

Lead can be found in various forms of electronic equipment, from batteries to the latest generation of solar panels.

The findings – given the growing demand for toxic metals like lead for technologies like smartphones (left) and batteries (right) – raise broad public health concerns

The warning comes from experts at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who studied lead pollution in the remains of 130 people buried in a cemetery in central Rome (pictured)

The warning comes from experts at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who studied lead pollution in the remains of 130 people buried in a cemetery in central Rome (pictured)

The burial place under the Palazzo della Cancelleria (seen here from the outside) was in use around 12,000 years ago - before the advent of metal production - until the 17th century

The burial place under the Palazzo della Cancelleria (seen here from the outside) was in use around 12,000 years ago – before the advent of metal production – until the 17th century


Lead poisoning can occur when lead enters the body.

Signs can include fatigue, pain, memory loss, and headaches.

In most cases, it is small amounts of lead consumed over time that build up and cause health problems.

The risk of lead poisoning for most people is very low, as lead is not generally used in paints, gasoline, or food containers these days.

This resulted in very low lead exposure for the majority of people.

However, one of the main potential risks may be the consumption of tap water if your property has lead pipes, a lead water tank, or lead pipe fittings.

In a small number of cases, lead can contaminate the water supply.


The study was undertaken by geochemist Yigal Erel of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and his colleagues.

“This literature on lead pollution throughout human history indicates that, remarkably, much of the estimated dynamics of lead production is replicated in human exposure,” explained Professor Erel.

“So lead pollution in humans has closely tracked their levels of lead production. Simply put: the more lead we produce, the more likely people are to absorb it into their bodies. It has a highly toxic effect.

In total, Professor Erel and his colleagues analyzed bone fragments from 130 people buried in the cemetery.

The team was able to calculate the level of lead pollution in each individual by analyzing the composition of their bones.

They found that this recorded pollution was closely related to estimated historical rates of global lead production.

“The close relationship between lead production and lead levels in humans in the past suggests that without proper regulation we will continue to experience the adverse health effects of contamination with toxic metals,” said Professor Erel.

Those most at risk of lead poisoning are those most exposed to the toxic metal, including miners and workers in recycling facilities.

The team found that as global lead production increased over time, so did the uptake rates of lead into the bodies of those buried in the cemetery.  Pictured: excavations in the central courtyard of Palazzo della Cancelleria

The team found that as global lead production increased over time, so did the uptake rates of lead into the bodies of those buried in the cemetery. Pictured: excavations in the central courtyard of Palazzo della Cancelleria

The central courtyard of Palazzo della Cancelleria, which sits above a cemetery

The Palazzo della Cancelleria which sits above a cemetery

The study builds on previous work which has shown that lead production rates are also documented in environmental records such as lake sediments and glaciers. Pictured: the central courtyard (left) of Palazzo della Cancelleria (right), which sits above a cemetery

Lead is breathed in by the atmosphere, the researchers explained, which means that the pollution has affected even those not involved in the production of the toxic metal.  Pictured: Excavations at the Palazzo della Cancelleria burial site

Lead is breathed in by the atmosphere, the researchers explained, which means that the pollution has affected even those not involved in the production of the toxic metal. Pictured: Excavations at the Palazzo della Cancelleria burial site

However, lead can also be found in various forms of electronic equipment, from batteries to the latest generation solar panels.

By disposal and deterioration, these objects can release their toxicity into the atmosphere we breathe and the soil in which we grow our crops.

“Any expanded use of metals must go hand in hand with industrial hygiene, ideally safe recycling of metals and increased consideration of the environment and toxicology in the selection of metals for industrial use,” concluded the professor. Erel.

The full results of the study were published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology.

The burial place under the Palazzo della Cancelleria was in use around 12,000 years ago - before the advent of metal production - until the 17th century

The burial place under the Palazzo della Cancelleria was in use around 12,000 years ago – before the advent of metal production – until the 17th century


Birds are easily poisoned by heavy metals present in their environment.

Each heavy metal causes distinct symptoms and affects birds differently.

The three heavy metals that commonly poison birds are lead, zinc and iron.

Common symptoms that a bird suffers from heavy metal poisoning are:

  • Constant thirst
  • Regurgitation of water
  • Apathy
  • Weakness
  • Depression
  • Tremors
  • Loss of coordinated movements
  • Seizures

Zinc and iron are found in food and are needed in small amounts for a healthy bird.

When abnormal amounts are present in the bird’s body, the same heavy metals can lead to poisoning.

Lead poisoning is not as common as it used to be thanks to increased awareness of the dangers.

Iron poisoning with heavy metals can lead to iron storage disease, which causes the nutrient to be deposited in the internal organs of the body.

This can lead to liver problems and damage other organs.

Source: PetMD


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