Elementary schools in San Bernardino County could meet criteria to reopen next week – San Bernardino Sun


Elementary schools in San Bernardino County could meet state criteria as early as next week, which would allow them to begin reopening, county officials said on Tuesday, February 9.

The county has 33.2 new cases of coronavirus per 100,000 population, an adjusted rate of 32.7 after taking into account the number of coronavirus tests in the county, according to state data.

That number has improved dramatically in recent weeks – the adjusted rate was 50.2 cases per 100,000 as of Tuesday, February 2. The trend suggests it may soon reach an adjusted rate of 25. Riverside County’s adjusted case rate is 44.9 cases per 100,000.

Once the rate has been 25 or less for five consecutive days, school districts can begin the process of reopening kindergarten through sixth grade for in-person instruction, said Corwin Porter, director of public health at the San Bernardino County.

“If our numbers continue to drop, we could be really close by the end of this week,” Porter told San Bernardino County supervisors.


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