Elizabeth Warren calls for the end of the electoral college


JACKSON, Miss. – Senator Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat who founded her candidacy for the presidency to try to overcome rivals with strong political proposals, added new ideas to her Liberal program on Monday night: get rid of the Electoral College, remove statutes Confederate, and the creation of a national commission to study reparations for black Americans.

Warren's remarks were made at a one-hour meeting on CNN at Jackson State University, a traditionally black university in the deeply Republican state capital. While reiterating her usual positions on corporate regulation and stunning lobbying in Washington, Warren has also sought to present new ideas to a national audience that is still in the know.

"I think we need a constitutional amendment protecting the voting rights of every US citizen and ensuring that this vote is counted," said Warren in response to a question about voters' disenfranchisement. . "We need to help the federal government and abolish all anti-smoking laws that already exist."

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She then noted that most presidential candidates were never campaigning in Mississippi or her home state, Massachusetts, in the general election because they are not part of the battlefield of the United States. electoral college. Many Democrats became harsh critics of the electoral college after Al Gore in 2000 and Hillary Clinton in 2016 won the national popular vote but lost the vote of the constituency, and therefore the presidency.


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