Elon Musk 420: Weed Joke Around Starlink SpaceX Satellite Launch Plans


Elon Musk has not finished making 420 jokes yet.

His latest came this weekend by unveiling for the first time 60 SpaceX satellites to the public. SpaceX rocket company plans to launch them into space for its first mission late Wednesday.

SpaceX wants to set up a global network of nearly 12,000 satellites, as part of a bold project called Starlink, aimed at bringing the very high speed internet to the world.

But to get a minor Internet coverage, it will only need six additional launches of 60 satellites, Musk tweeted.

If you do the math, it's 420 satellites in total. That's how people talk about smoking marijuana, something that has already plunged Musk into hot water. Very famous, Tesla was fined $ 20 million by the SEC after Musk claimed that he could sell the electric car company at $ 420 per share.

When a Twitter user pointed out the sum 420, Musk joked about it.

"It might not be my lucky number," Musk tweeted, adding an emoji from a four leaf clover.

Musk was also filmed notoriously smoking a blend of marijuana and tobacco last fall while he was being interviewed as a podcast.

Marijuana use is legal in California, where it happened, but the highest NASA official later publicly criticized Musk about it, describing the incident as "inappropriate behavior."


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