Elon Musk answers the question about how people will live on Mars. Guesses? – it’s viral


SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, in a conversation on Twitter, recently shared his version of civilization on Mars. To be precise, he explained how he thought the first humans of the Red Planet would live.

It all started with a question by a Twitter user @Astronomiaum. In the caption, translated from Portuguese, they asked Musk about a statement he made a few years ago. They asked if Musk thinks it’s really possible to populate Mars with over a million people by 2050. To which, the tech giant replied, Deveras !, which loosely translates to, “Really. ! “

As a result, @Astronomiaum asked again, “Elon: When people got to Mars, would the planet already be terraformed or would people have some other way SpaceX created to survive on the Red Planet?” ” To which, Musk replied that people would first live in glass domes, then added:

His response prompted people to share various questions.

“Will the glass provide sufficient protection against radiation?” a Twitter user asked. “Wouldn’t it be safer to live underground at first on Mars?” Would provide shelter from radiation, wind / dust storms, asteroids, etc. The use of natural lava tubes has been suggested as a starting point, ā€¯shared another.

What do you think of Musk’s response?


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