Elon Musk goes back on the idea of ​​"Nuke Mars", saying satellites would work better – BGR


SpaceX boss Elon Musk has been tweeting only a few days ago reminding everyone that he wants to "neutralize Mars", but he has already proposed an alternative to this raging proposal. In a tweet on Tuesday, Musk proposed launching thousands of solar reflectors on the red planet to warm up the planet's surface, melt its ice reserves and release CO2 that could help form a more robust Martian atmosphere. .

Humans are heading to Mars as soon as possible, but what we are going to do once is still to be determined. Dreams of establishing a colony on Mars may depend on our ability to make Mars a little more similar to Earth, which would mean strengthening the atmosphere.

Scientists believe there is still a lot of CO2 trapped in the ice, but there is enough CO2 left to make a serious difference in the planet's atmosphere. Musk insists, and his idea of ​​"Nuke Mars" would trigger nuclear explosions over the planet to serve as an "artificial sun" and heat the planet, melting the ice.

It's a crazy idea, but Musk's second proposal seems a little more possible.

Instead of creating false stars using nuclear weapons, Musk suggests that satellites could reflect sunlight on Mars and heat it that way, but that would require thousands of such satellites. The advantage of this approach would be that it could be done gradually and that adjustments could be made along the way.

Nevertheless, without knowing for sure whether the melting of polar ice on Mars will have serious consequences on its habitability, such a mission remains purely hypothetical.

Source of image: NASA


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