Elon Musk leaves the research group that built the "Fake News" generator


Research group

Nowadays, Elon Musk is probably best known for his works on SpaceX and Tesla. But along the way, he also teamed up with Y Combinator's president, Sam Altman, to co-found OpenAI, a research group dedicated to creating an artificial intelligence that benefits humanity.

But this weekend, Musc taken to Twitter to confirm that he had left the organization – because of disagreements with the group's instructions.

False news

OpenAI made the headlines last week by publishing a research article detailing a new AI capable of generating surprisingly realistic text excerpts – but chose not to publish the fully-prepared template, lest it be used to populate the web with "false news."

"I did not agree with some [the] The OpenAI team wanted to do, "Musk tweeted Saturday, adding that "it was better to separate in good conditions".

Not forgotten

It is unclear whether Musk will continue to participate in OpenAI, but confirmed that he no longer has any oversight from management or the board of directors. This is striking because Musk has clearly expressed his fear of a powerful AI – but it is likely that Musk's decision, which spans several ambitious projects, was more of a time management issue than ideology. .

"I had to focus on solving a lot of engineering problems. [and] manufacturing problems at Tesla (in particular) [and] SpaceX ", he writes in a tweet explaining his departure from OpenAI.


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