Emergency care clinics forced to turn people down as many seek COVID-19 tests after vacation


The holidays are in the rearview mirror, but the coronavirus number continues to climb on Long Island – and now so many people are trying to get tested that emergency care centers have to turn them down.

CityMD in Lake Grove was no longer meeting for the day at 11 a.m. Those lucky enough to get a seat were asked to wait in their cars until it was their turn to reenter.

Long Island’s positivity rate continues to rise, with the seven-day average now standing at 8.8%. Suffolk’s seven-day moving average is 9.7% and Nassau’s is 7.9%.

Dr Robert Levy of AFC Urgent Care says his testing sites are also booked every day. He says he fears the numbers will get even worse before they get better.

Suffolk County Director Steve Bellone is urging residents to calm down now that the holidays are over. Nassau Principal Laura Curran reminds everyone to follow COVID-19 safety measures to help keep businesses and schools open.

On New Years Day, 25 Long Islanders died from COVID-19 – 17 were from Suffolk and eight from Nassau.


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