Emory organizes a forum on the measles epidemic in the United States


Nevin Walia, contributing

A panel of public health officials discussed the measles outbreak in the United States in 2019 as part of the inaugural ceremony of the Emory Global Health Institute, which took place on September 9th. About 30 people attended the forum.

With 1,241 individual cases of measles reported since the beginning of 2019, the current epidemic is the largest in the country since the early 1980s. According to a recent report by CNNThis is the first time that the United States is at risk of losing its measles elimination status since obtaining this status in 2000.

The expert group presentation was divided into four parts: clinical features of measles, effectiveness and safety of vaccination, understanding of the dangers of vaccine hesitancy and vaccination policy. Global scale. The panel structure was designed to help Emory's other professors and students better understand the causes of the epidemic.

Marcus epidemiology professor, Andi Shane, explained that the first step was to recognize the symptoms of the virus. Shane said that an effective control of the disease should include immediate isolation upon recognition of the symptoms observed and a report to the local health department.

Shane also explained the management processes of immunocompromised patients with pre-infection supplements, nutritional therapy and post-exposure vaccinations.

Associate Director Emory Vaccine Center, Walt Orenstein, highlighted the effectiveness of the vaccine, explaining that vaccination was the best strategy for preventing epidemics.

"To put things in perspective, we went from 530 to 217 [cases] before vaccination was first authorized in 1963, at 372 [cases] for last year, "Orenstein said.

Orenstein said that vaccines are essential to the national success of measles elimination. According to Orenstein, 80% of the viruses transported to the United States by those who came from other countries between 2005 and 2015 were due to a lack of vaccination.

Orenstein noted that measles immunization also increased immunity to other diseases, such as ear infections or pneumonia, thus reducing the chances of receiving more than 6% of patients. zero.

Robert Bednarczyk, an assistant professor in the Department of Global Health at Hubert, and Jeffery Koplan, vice president of the University for Global Health, explain in detail the challenges in developing an accurate understanding of measles at the regional and global levels.

Bednarczyk emphasized the importance of complete and correct vaccinations, explaining that not following up or not vaccinating vaccinations at the right time can be as detrimental as not vaccinating at all.

Koplan explained that the policy often affects the public opinion regarding vaccination.

"Studies published in the European Journal of Public Health show that there is a close correlation between associating with a populated political setting and thinking that vaccines are not important," Koplan said. "This is where we see a fundamental weakening of our immunization programs."

Both Bednarcyzk and Koplan discussed methods for combating widespread hesitancy with regard to immunization.

"One of the most important things we've seen is the use of social media," Bednarczyk said. "When I get the flu shot every year, I always take a picture of the Band-Aid on my arm … these are small things like that that can make a difference."

Public students have also formulated recommendations on how the Emory student community can combat global hesitancy.

"I think it's very important to talk to your family," said Jasmine Carter (21), speaking of imminent hesitation. "There are people closer to us than we realize that this may have opinions that might surprise you."

Shakti Shetty (21PH) suggested forming a committee or outreach effort to better inform the general public.

"Maybe an interdisciplinary committee or some sort of public awareness could help," Shetty said. "It's about connecting Emory with the big community to eliminate the abstraction of science."

Bednarczyk concluded the discussion with a final call for action.

"Do it as a practice," Bednarcyzk said. "If you hear someone speaking negatively about [vaccinations]know that there are professors who have done research and who [would] Love if you had reached out. "


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