Enable Dark Mode in Gmail for Android Now "Android :: Hacks Gadget


Dark mode is finally deployed for Gmail on Android. But this is a Google product. So you know that the server-side update will take time before most devices are updated. Lateral loading of the latest APK does not work, nor does the account change. But if you are rooted, you can turn on the dark mode by editing a simple XML.

Start by opening your favorite file browser compatible with the root. You will need one that has a built-in text editor. If yours does not, we recommend Solid Explorer. Once you're done, go to the following folder from the root partition of your device:

data  data  com.google.android.gm  shared_prefs 

Once inside, press and hold the button FlagPrefs.xml file, then press the three-dot menu button at the bottom right and choose "Open With". From there, select the SE text editor in the prompt.

You must now find the next line. It should be the second line of the XML code, but if it is not, you can use the "Search" function of the SE Text Editor's overflow menu to find it:

The "fake" in the end is why you do not already have the dark mode. So change that to read "true" instead. When finished, tap the backup icon located in the upper right corner.

From now on, stop by force and reopen the Gmail application. Go to "Settings" in the side navigation menu and select "General Settings". From there, the first option should be "Theme". Select "Dark" here or if you are using Android 10 with the dark mode enabled for the entire system, you can choose "System Value" for Gmail to match the dark mode status of your phone.

We have heard that some people did not see the above option after changing the XML, although we did not know why it was not working for everyone. This may require Android 9 or higher, or maybe your system language must be set to US English. You must also run Gmail version 2019.08.18.267044774 or later.

But for most people, the trick above should work. You should now look at a dark gray version of Gmail with the Material Design 2 elements. It definitely looks bright!

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